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Soccer Stadium

This is a project for days when you can't go outside to play soccer.

You need:

  • Green paint

  • A black marker

  • A craft cutter-Get an adult to help you

  • A cotton ball/A white pompom

  • Drinking straws

  • A pizza box/A box lid

First, paint the inside of your box green. Wait till it dries.

Next, cut two holes in each end of the box, 4 1/2 inches by 2 inches. Leave the end closest to the wall of the box uncut. Use your black marker to draw goalposts; you may also draw a goalie in each goal post.

Then, draw two black lines around the holes, 2 inches from the edge of the holes.

After that, draw a circle in the middle of the box, and a line in the middle of the circle, parallel to the width of the box.

Take a cotton ball or a white pompom and blow it around the stadium with straws. Poke open the holes during games. Make sure to stand the box on some books while playing. No hands allowed while playing!

Happy making!

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