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Cardboard Vehicles Part 2: Helicopter

Again, a fun project to make is Corrugated Cardboard Vehicles. Children, especially, will have fun peeling the cardboard to get to the corrugated part.

This is a two-part series of how to make cardboard vehicles. This is Part 2: The Helicopter!

You need:

  • Cardboard, the kind that makes packaging boxes

  • Hot glue- Get an adult to help you

  • Scissors

  • Paint (optional)

To get the corrugated part of the cardboard, rip the top piece of paper off the cardboard, leaving a squiggly interior. Repeat on the opposite side of the cardboard. You can use these leftover papers as play birchbark to write on. They curl up so they look like scrolls. You could even glue sticks on the edges and roll them up.

Next, cut the squiggly parts left over from the disassembling of the cardboard, which are called corrugated cardboard, into strips. Then roll them up:

  • The landing skids: 2 two inch strips, 1 inch in diameter

  • The cockpit: 1 triangle-shaped strip, the widest part being 4 inches and the end in a point, 2 inch in diameter

  • The blades: 2 four-inch by one inch strip,

  • The nuts holding down the blades: 2 1/2 inch strips, 1/2 inch in diameter

When rolling the strips, add dots of hot glue along the strip and one at the end to seal the circle.

Next, glue the pieces together, namely the skids on the bottom of the cockpit, on each side, and the blades onto the top and the front.

Glue the nuts on the blades, in the middle.

Happy making!

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